We were able to provide four scholarships to 2017 graduating seniors as well as fund ten teacher projects throughout West Central.
Some projects that were funded in 2017 include 42 books for 2nd grade, postcards, stamps, bookmarks, stickers and prize books for a summer reading program for the elementary, supplies for a STEM project for 1st grade including 32 books and magnetic tiles, 40 AR books for 3rd-5th grade, online subscriptions to sites with learning tools for spelling, vocabulary, reading and math, software to work with white boards and touch screen chrome books, books for the tech teams for each West Central building, supplies for the West Central Elementary 21st Century Makerspace Area including a propel kit, snap circuits, batteries and idea books, as well as three incubators for the kindergarten classrooms to study the life cycle of oviparous animals and observe the hatchings of chicken eggs!